UITP, the International
Association of Public Transport, invites
political leaders from around the world
to demonstrate their commitment to strong
public transport systems.
As an integral part of the fabric of where
we live, public transport increases affordable
access to jobs, services, education and
leisure. It is also a powerful tool for
achieving long-term social, environmental
and economic goals.
Too often, however, today's transport systems
fail to meet the needs of citizens as urban
areas increasingly suffer from the myriad
problems caused by congestion and pollution.
Therefore UITP is asking local, regional
and national leaders to implement policies
that prioritise public transport, recognising
that improvements act as a catalyst for
growth, maximising economic and social development
and lessening environmental harm.
To achieve this we must:
● Allocate urban space according to passenger,
not vehicle, numbers
Private vehicles are important for individuals
and industry alike, but there must be a
better balance in how public transport and
individual cars share resources. Public
transport must be given dedicated road space
to facilitate faster and more reliable journey
times that are key to its attractiveness
and efficiency.
● Charge a fair price for transport choices
Each transport user should pay for the actual
external environmental and economic costs
they generate, notably congestion and pollution
? it is an essential requirement for long
term transport sustainability. This will
immediately improve traffic flow, reduce
pollution and increase the commercial returns
derived from public transport; whilst allowing
a more even-handed approach to transport
● Coordinate planning of land use and transport
It is imperative that public transport is
considered from a broader perspective at
a local, regional, national and international
level. Planning policies that integrate
land-use and transportation needs will help
shape liveable communities
● Get the basics right
Transport systems should be organised to
maximise social inclusion and provide the
majority of travellers with sustainable
mobility options. This means systems that
are safe, reliable, convenient and value-for-money
, accompanied by the necessary information
for them to be used effectively.
● Strengthen investment in public transport
Significant and sustained investment is
needed to achieve the full development potential
that stems from modern, fully-coordinated
transport systems. The real economic return
is immediate: through more effective energy
management, more efficient use of space
for transport and more employment opportunities
for all.
The public transport sector will continually
work to achieve high-quality bus and rail
services and seeks an active partnership
with political leaders to implement these
calls to action.
Join us in supporting the Rome Manifesto!